Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The father wound

As young men we look to our father for guidance, encouragement and even acceptance.  What happens in our life if we don’t get those things from our father?  Do we become the scum of the earth?  Because our father failed to give us what our little boy soul needed we now travel from town to town, living on the street and hardly eating.  Not the case but there are those times when we were growing up and we remember being wounded.

Is there a specific time in your life you can remember needed affirmation and it didn’t come?  Are your parents divorced?  Did your father give you the silent treatment?  Maybe you never did anything bad but he didn’t express his pride and love for the good you did do.

Now what?  You have spent the time getting to know yourself and that you do have some areas of your life with a wound.  Will being a Christian Catholic solve all your problems?

If you haven’t thought about and talked about the wounds in your life you may be hiding them, “posing”.  It could be working all the time or it might be sinking into the couch every night to avoid dealing with other people.

We have all heard the conversations where a man says he is not going to be a parent like his father was.  He is better than that and will help his children more than his father did.

What situations in your life do you not let anyone into?  Is it work, home, a sports team?  Where do you feel the most emotion, positive or negative?  My guess that there is where the father wound lies.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May–No More Porn Tour

Thanks to everyone who came out and stood to the evil of pornography today.  The weather was great but got a bit windy at times.

While protesting today 3 people made the effort to stop and talk with us about the No More Porn Tour and thank us for our efforts to shut down First Amendment.   One man has lived in the area for more than 20 years. 

We also prayed for the shops owner, employees, patrons and people who suffer with pornography addictions.

Thanks again to everyone for coming out and we hope to see you next month for an even more successful NMPT.

NMPT Protest JUNE Flyer_

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tomorrow's Material

Tomorrow we will be talking about the father wound and its affects.  Read up and leave a comment if you have read this.

Friday, May 13, 2011

No More Porn Tour - May Stop

Come and join us for any amount of time this month at the May No More Porn Tour in Colorado Springs.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1st - Are you emasculated?

The 2 topics for this week are mothers and sons and from strength to strength.

Last week we talked about the wound that is created in our life through the relationships that form us.  This could have been from our father, the lack of a father or other men in our lives. 

Are we letting those people have to much control over who we are today?  Where is the accountability?  Are we not responsible for out decisions?

This week we will be covering the relationships that we have with our mothers.   I don't know that I have heard a mother call her son "my little boyfriend" but that relationship is important in the formation of a man.  As Eldridge says there is a time when the boys interests change from cuddling with mom to playing catch with dad.  The problem arises when the mother tries to continue to hold onto that child because her husband has filled his life with the things of a poser.  Interesting how men carry out the actions they learned as children and while developing and those actions are stifling their children.

In reality there are just some things that a woman just cannot do for a man.

When are some times when your father gave you some of his wisdom?  Did you go on a hunting trip?, camping?, out fishing?  What and when were the times that wisdom were imparted?

This passage of wisdom and letting go from the mother is so important.  How many marriages do we see these days where the man can't/will not be a man that the wife needs because he is too scared to be himself and truly does not have the tools to step it up?  If men would be men I believe that we would have a much lower divorce rate.  If men would be men and move past their fear and inadequacy (no one is perfect) then children woudl grow up in loving homes instead of broken ones.